Katie Arlan (she/her) - L1 CrossFit Coach

Hometown: Bothell, Washington

Athletic History: I was a competitive gymnast for most of my childhood. When I decided to stop competing before college, I searched for another sport to fill the void. I rowed at UW my freshman year, but that definitely wasn’t it. It’s cold out there in January! I really feel like I got the diversity and challenge I was looking for when I got into CrossFit. It has given me the strength and endurance to do all the things I love outside!

Coaching Background: Coaching gymnastics was actually my very first job. I’ve always loved helping others achieve their goals. In 2019, I began coaching CrossFit and have thoroughly enjoyed all the PRs, high-fives and friendships. As an athlete, I know how important it is to trust and respect your coach and hope I can be there for you in whatever capacity you're looking for.

Favorite Athletic Activities: I’m from the PNW, so naturally I love the mountains and water! Backpacking, snowboarding/splitboarding, scuba diving, biking

Favorite Non-Fitness Activities: Traveling, eating, and QT with my friends and family. 

What I Wish I Knew When I Started CrossFit: It’s super helpful to look ahead at the workouts and make a game plan (without cherry picking!). Your plan can change some once in class based on coach/space/etc, but setting a goal or scaling plan makes the most out of your hour.