Emma Sheehy (she/her) - L1 CrossFit Coach

Hometown: Falls Church, Virginia

Athletic History: Team sports have always been a big part of my life. I grew up playing soccer competitively, field hockey in college and found ultimate frisbee while living abroad in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Some of my best friends have been made through sports and I have always loved being in an environment where folks push each other to grow, support each other through highs and lows, and have some of the biggest laughs. What’s the point if you’re not having fun?!

Coaching Background: I started coaching Crossfit in 2022. I love seeing folks learn new skills, trust their bodies, and accomplish things they might not have thought possible.

Favorite Athletic Activities: Learning to surf, ultimate frisbee, backpacking in the PNW

Favorite Non-Fitness Activities: Painting, going to concerts, paddle boarding with my dog, Ziggy, cold plunges!

What I Wish I Knew When I Started CrossFit: Not every day has to be an all out max effort! Listen to your body (fatigue, injuries, etc) it’s all about the long game of being able to keep moving and build strength over time and coaches are always there to help you adjust a workout based on your body’s needs that day.